Sunday, November 8, 2009

Acne Part III B

With the green movement taking off, everyone is starting to realize that maybe there is something to living a natural (or at least as natural as you can get) lifestyle. Acne solutions are no exception to the rule.

A few years back in the midst of my acne plight, I tried several earthy methods of ridding myself of this embarrassing affliction. I don't know if they would have worked or not, because I never stuck with them to find out. I think that's the problem people will run into- the body doesn't just magically heal itself overnight, it takes consistency and time. Two things people with acne are short on. But, if you think you have stamina to see this thru before resorting to harsh chemicals and liver damage, try these out.

Internal Cleanse- There are several different brands of this, but ultimately they all involve some sort of strong fiber packed with vitamins that is intended to clean out your colon and intestines. The vitamins and supplements also help draw toxin out of the body to be flushed away. The way of going about it varies from brand to brand, but the whole overall point is that you are getting rid of toxic sludge in your body. It is thought that build up of toxins and feces (the average human has up to 40 pounds of excess excrement in their intestines) impedes healthy and vital body functions, and produces bad bacteria. It's then reasonable to assume that when you clean house, everything is more healthy. Usually a 30-90 day program. Be sure to use an all natural method and follow the directions carefully.

Omega 3,6,9- Fish oil! To be honest, I'm not sure why or how this works, but many people have experienced success by increasing their intake of the essential omega fatty acids. While I don't know WHY it works, I can tell you this: The American diet is over flowing with too much Omega 3 and not enough of Omega 6, which in turn is causing all sorts of cardiovascular and weight problems. Our ratio is so out of whack, it's now being discussed that lack of Omega 6 may be named a disease in itself and have subsequent specialized treatment programs for it. Incidentally, it's also been known to work wonders to promote healthy skin. You can get these oils in capsule or liquid, just make sure you take enough. If anything, you should have some sort of supplement of omega 6 added to your diet anyways unless you are a serious fish eater.

Zinc- A few years ago I was in the line at the grocery store, without a stitch of makeup on. An old man who was behind me scooted up to me and bent down to whisper "would you be offended if I gave you some advice on your skin?" Zinc. Zinc is the answer. Take it in high doses. I went home and did some research online, and come to find out, the old man was right. Unfortunately, for me it goes back to the same thing... not enough consistency or time. Before you go swallowing a bottle-full, do some research and make sure you don't get into that scary toxic level, because any vitamin in too much quantity can be bad.

Calcium Bentonite Clay: I discovered this at an aesthetics conference I annually attend. Up until recently, I would spend at least the first half of these industry professional conferences eagerly looking for some new and untold acne resolution. Supposedly, this particular clay was from only one canyon in the whole world, and completely natural. The only thing you had to add when you got home was water. My experience of the clay was this: yup, it will dry out your skin all right. It supposed to draw out all the impurities of your skin. This is one of the few methods that I truly don't think will work for someone with chronic severe acne. I think it is a great thing to have on-hand for the occasional breakout and oil problems, but I would fore go this option for those with more intense skin problems.

Allergies: Allergies? Allergies cause acne? Well- maybe. Here's what I figure. We all KNOW how screwed up the American diet is. Natural products are minimum and premium, because synthetic foods are much cheaper to manufacture. Not to mention, most Americans have not been eating the same thing for generations like other countries will long-established heritages do. So how do we know if our genetic makeup causes us to break out when we have milk, wheat, or some sort of tongue-numbing flavor preserving phyto-chemical? This is the longest, most tedious process of them all. But, I would be amazed if you didn't find yourself living an overall more healthy lifestyle. There are as many ways of going about the allergy issue as there are Italian mothers to lecture you. The important part about doing this is to really do it- don't cop out, get a few "allergy tests" from your Dr, and call it good. (Hives isn't the only way to have an allergic reaction.) I think that this is an excellent, albeit lengthy, method of getting yourself in great skin and overall health.

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